Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Underestimated: Accelerated Program

As my second semester is nearing completion I now see I vastly underestimated the difficulty of this program.  They say the program is fast, but 22 graduate school level credits in a semester is just brutal.  As I exert my entire effort it feels like I can barely keep my head above the water; on the bright side my head is still above water.  It is possible but it take so much more effort than I thought it would. A normal daily schedule this semester goes as follows:

7:00          Arise/shower/eat
7:30          Leave for school
8:00          In class ready to take notes
11:00        Quick lunch and socializing 
11:45        Pick up a few bucks as a student employee (working the front desk)
1:00          Back in class taking notes and trying to listen intently 
5:00          Finally class is over for the day. Eat a snack and then...
5:30          Reading notes from the day. Reviewing text books & other material 
8:00          Quick dinner break
8:30          Back to the books!
9:30          Head home for to mentally gear up for the next day
11:30        In bed asleep within minutes...

The excitement of being in an accelerated program wears off when you realize what it takes to be accelerated.  It is breakneck speed and difficult. Heck, does it feel impossible at times? Yes! But is it worth it? YES!! So grateful I have the opportunity to become a PT.  One step at a time I'm getting there, even if they feel like pretty darn exhausting baby steps. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dalin--I had e-mailed you about a month ago regarding my usa interview (which i got into btw!) and I had one more question for you if you don't mind. These days I've been feeling really scared whether or not I will be able to handle the accelerated program....So I was wondering if you had any advice for me--such as things you do when you feel like everything is impossible to handle or just dealing with the coursework. Any advice would would be great! (Oh and I love to workout and am worried I wont have time for that either haha) Feel free to email me at amygotmail@gmail.com if preferred.
